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Task: Design a full traffic light based on a Arduino board
For this project you will need the following parts:
- 8 Red LED’s
- 4 Yellow LED’s
- and 8 Green LED’s
- 20 220 Ohm resistors
- 1 Arduino Uno board
- Connection wires
- Minimum 2 breadboards to have enough space to implement the project
How to connect the LED’s:
//Traffic Light 1 Pin Connection
//int TrafficColor#=Digital Pin on the arduino board
int carRed_1 = 12;
int carYellow_1 = 11;
int carGreen_1 = 10;
int pedRed_1 = 9;
int pedGreen_1 = 8;
//Traffic Light 2 Pin Connection
//int TrafficColor#=Digital Pin on the arduino board
int carRed_2 = 13;
int carYellow_2 = 7;
int carGreen_2 = 6;
int pedRed_2 = 5;
int pedGreen_2 = 4;
The basic scheme of the main traffic light: